The Black Magician Trilogy really just make me sick...
Well, definetly not those kind of sick~ It just make me want to cry about that sad ending
Oh, Why must Akkarin die!!!!!!
I just hate it!!!555555!!
Well, feeling of finishing reading was somehow strange...
It's like something was missing in my heart
I would wish that there is still book 4 for me to continue reading~
Well, but then it wouldn't become as a trilogy anymore>.
I just miss something like that, it's an interesting novel
I really love Sonea and Arkkarin being a pair, but why must Akkarin die!!!!
Man, this make me want to cry!!!!!
Well, now I'm reading some fanfiction thingy~
all about Black Magician Trilogy's fanfiction!!!
It's this the second time?
The second time of having some kind of strange feeling...
1st time was when I read the 二分之一王子
But this time ,the feeling was stronger
It's like something that really happended to me
I can just hardly felt that how sad of losing the love ones, even I din't get to experience that kind of feeling in my real life until now~
WELL to me~ It really hard to believe that Akkarin really is dead....
It's sad!!! Really Sad!!!!!!!
If I'm the one being Sonea, then I don't think so that I can be as strong as her
I guess that I will end my life being some kind of loser
I guess I just don't have the thingy to Stay strong
I can't bared of having anything disapering from my life
'09'Jr1c once make me cried for a long period