Starts with the DREAM, Ends with the DREAM
只要是您赐予我的命运,我都愿意屈服—— I wonder why my tears won't stop
You just treat me like a game, and I lose


Tagged by 蛋蛋

A. You prefer

1.Alcohol or Mineral Water : Mineral Water
2.Blue or Pink : Blue
3.Hot Guys or Cool Guys : Cool Guys(I acutally prefer 正太)
4.Good Looks or Brains : I can't decide~
5.Taylor Swift or Taylor Lautner : Taylor Swift
6.Friends or Loved Ones : I can't decide,but for now i choose Friends
7."Baby" or "Honey" : Baby

B. Your/You kind of guy :

1.Alcoholic or Non-Alcoholic : Non-Alcoholic
2.Good or Bad : Eh...Good, but looks like Satan?
3.Brave or Cute : Cute~
4.Tall or Short : Tall
5.T-Shirt or Suite : Cool T-shirt (actually is suit)
6.Coat or Leather Jacket: Coat
7.Sunnies or Spectacles : Sunnies
8.Caring or Rich : Caring
9.Kisses or Hugs : Two!!(haha..XD)
10.Romantic ?: 40% (If it cross the line, It looks really EW)
C.Your/You kind of girl :

1.Cute or Pretty : cute~
2.Sweet or Caring: 2 Also wan~
3.Sports or "Princess Candle" : Sports (this looks Cool!)
4.Surprises? : Love it (but i must like that surprise)
5.Smile or Frown : Smile
6.Love Quotes or Love Poems : Love Quotes (Poem like 80年代)
7.Computer Geek or Study Nerd : All also want, but prefer Computer Geek
8.SMS or MSN : MSN
9.Forever or Just For Fun : Forever
10.Hangouts with Friends or Couple Date : Couple Date
D.Your Daily Activities :

1.After Breakfast : Eh, for these days,I dun take Breakfast der~ but if, then must facing the Computer
2.Before School: Sleep
3.During School : Talk n Learn lar
4.After School : Lunch then have a shower, n Finally is My Computer~
5.Night : Computer
6.Midnight : Sleep in 2am ,before that I read some books or play computer~
7.Holidays : Computer-Internet or Anime, Book-Revision or Novel (Also as play lar)
E. Tag 10 people :

01. 可欣
02. 程嘉慧(没有Blog)
03. 旎庭
04. 月棻
05. 筱筱
06. 颖思
07. 斯哲
08. Joelle
09. 吴欣怡
10. 蛋蛋(我已经没人了)

1. What if 9 confesses that he/she likes you?
-I'm so sorry, THANKS 4 ur feelings, but u r not my TYPE~( WEI! I not LES!)

2. Will you go out for a couple date with 3 if he/she ask to?
- =.="Couple Date"...Even if she is my little laopo,but it's IMPOSSIBLE 4 me 2 say YES!

3. Is 7 single?
- Er, It should be a YES

4. Describe 1:
- Maths Geek~ Preety~( of course,my laopo yeh~)

5. Will you date 8?
- Wei!!(你们会不会想太远去了)IF friends(can),IF couple (IMPOSSIBLE)

6. What is 2's nickname?
- 欧巴桑(It means Aunty, A good name rite~)

7. What do you wish to tell 1 right now?

8. What is 5 good in?
- 吹Trumpet~ CRAZY LAUGH

9. If you were to do one thing to 4, what would it be?
-Wat thing orh? 抱抱?

10. Have you seen 2 cried?
- Ya... she was very tough,although she cried be4

11. Is 1 crazy or yeeky?
- Wat is yeeky....(文静30%,变态10%,疯50%,书呆子10%)

12. Would you hold 7's hand and walk around?
- Er, it's a boy OK!? IF running for life,I'll giv a YES~ but i guess it wouldn't happen~

13. What do you think of 6?
- Very Cold some times? but was a good friend~

14. Will you kiss 3 when there is only both of you in the park?
-=.=..(OMG) Stop thinking! It's IMPOSSIBLE!

15. Is 8 sweet?
- NO!! Sweet is so not for Her!!

16. What is 9 hobby?
- Dunno?

17. Will you date 10 to a high class restaurant?
-It should be the student hu invite me to that kind of place~

18. Is 5 fitted to be a maid?
- That place will only be more messier than last time

19. When it started rainning, who will u seek for an umbrella?
- My friend lar~

20. Where would you go with 1 on a date?
- Shopping Mall
